When cities in the Philippines started shifting out of stricter lockdowns, this meant that businesses would start opening up. The PH government issued back to work guidelines for businesses operating during this time, which included workplace adjustments to physical distancing, ventilation, etc. One requirement was a list of signs that had to be displayed in the workplace. Failure to comply runs the risk of penalties or temporary suspension.
Over 95% of businesses in the Philippines are micro, small, or medium enterprises. Many of them can no longer afford not to work. So in response to this situation, many neighborhood businesses have had to improvise. They used electric tape to indicate physical distancing markers or handwritten bond paper signs to remind workers and customers to wear masks.
However creative, we felt these solutions were not as sustainable. As a small business ourselves, we wanted to help out where we could by offering free designed templates that complied with government guidelines.
Most signs come in both English and Filipino, are easy to read, and easy to produce. They can be printed from any home printer using letter-sized paper.
Through this initiative, we wanted to make it easier for businesses and to promote the use of good design in the workplace. Moreover, we wanted to reinforce physical distancing and personal hygiene in line with the goals of KONTRA COVID campaign, because it is in everyone’s best interest to flatten the curve of COVID-19 in the Philippines.