A campaign by artists for artists, KONTRA COVID was our bid at addressing the widening information gap between critical public health messages and Filipino communities. To match the speed and scale that the virus was growing, artists rallied together to impress upon our communities and leaders to address the gaps in our COVID-19 response.
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Download Negosyong Kontra Covid print-outs
Our partners who helped make KONTRA COVID happen.

Gian Lao
Gian Lao is a poet and essayist whose work can be read for free at gianlao.com. In the day, he works in strategic communications.

Ali Sangalang
Ali Sangalang is a writer and fun-trepreneur. He’s the co-founder and Creative Director of Linya-Linya— a digital content page and merch brand. He also hosts The Linya-Linya Show podcast.